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The gold standard of sustainable weight loss appears to be intermittent fasting

Ive always been in decent shape until i got to my early 30s and i noticed all my "slim fit" shirts starting to fit a little tight around the belly. Funny, but my first thought was that my shirts shrank in the wash.
It was troubling because i was already eating a pretty good diet. Stopped eating beef, couldn't remember the last time i went to McDonalds, my fast food dish of choice was a 6 inch subway club. So i ate pretty good..... or so I thought.

While my individual meals were guilt free and low in calories I was screwing myself by constantly snacking. It took me having to rebuy alot of my shirts one size up before i realized what i was doing.

So In order to lose weight a new diet wouldn't have helped, as i really was eating fairly healthy, the answer was intermittent fasting. It works because it really isnt a diet, unlike the keto diet or Atkins you dont have to change the foods that you eat. What intermittent fasting does is force you to eat less by restricting the number of hours you can eat per day. The key is you can still eat the same foods.
I think this is now the gold standard for weight loss.

chokchok We are a society obsessed about blaming the individual for all these failed diets. I think we need to start putting some blame on the food companies. These companies have very little incentive to provide healthy food instead they try to cut costs by putting in substances like high fructose corn syrup. Almost every processed food contains HFCS. Obesity is not a problem because people all of a sudden became lazy and less disciplined, obesity is a problem in large part do to food companies trading health for lower cost.
ryan89 also blame the politicians, they are late in implementing a "sugar" tax. SOme juridications have implemented it, but they are only a small minority. The sugar tax should also be higher, tax the heck out of sugar just like cigarettes.
bluetuna Some swear that you get some sort fo mental clarity when your in a fasting state.
mazda3 naaaah if anything when im in my fasting state my mind gets more hazy. Im also always hungry in my fasting state, I was told the hunger would go away as the body get used to it, but that hasnt been the case for me.
guilty-spark Its not a panacea, you still have to consume less calories than burn.
crimson unlike other diets I don't think intermittent fasting is a fad. Just anecdotally it look like people are using it and sticking to it. And rationally it seems to make sense, unlike lets say the Atkins diet, which was just loony.
mazda3 couldn't believe Atkins got as popular as it, I still remember Mcdonalds selling burgers without the buns. In retrospect i guess its pretty obvious, Atkins is the only diet that McDonalds could pump.