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What books would you recommend for someone new to investing?

Im relatively new to investing. Have about 30k sitting in savings account. Ive been told that money sitting in the bank is actually going down in value over the long term because the anemic savings rate I get is less than inflation. Hence, I'm looking to learn more, any book recommendations?

devotional Don't bother with any books. Do paper trades and learn about the companies and their financials before investing large sums. In a nutshell: Time in market has been proven to be more important than timing the market. Fo your case your best bet is dollar cost average you investment into an index fund, That is the basic strategy that works quite well.
panda Charlie mungers almanac. Charlie was his right hand man. Personally I find Charlie more interesting than Buffet. He has a keen mind, loved his book.
guilty-spark Warren Buffet recommends: The intelligent investor.
Thats the most important book on investing according to him. Might not be your styl;e as the book is mostly about value investing.
omega If you've read Munger or Buffet you know they are all about developing mental models. For that reason alone I recommend the book.