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gimpy Major takeaway is to use "library rules". Library rules just means to respect and undertsand that the people around you are working and concentrating. Sounds should be soft and quiet in order to minimize distraction.
devotional That sounds great but it all depends on the culture of the company. Some open offie have a "happening" vibe to them, kind of like a nice background chatter in a restaurant. Having said that I do prefer a quiet work enviroment. I've read spolsky advocating closed offices for every worker and i would agree with that, but as indicated in the above article its not always practical. It costs more and the plan in less flexible. In taht sense the office environment described in that link seems like a happy medium.
gimpy they have been in that office for about 8 years now and have been advocating the "library rules" since inception so its clearly working for them.
devotional yeah, heres a link from 2012 also talking about library rules. Nothing substantive in the link but a clear sign that its working for them.
orko I like it more boisterous but most of the others like silence. Bottom line is to behave like adults.Tho can't really make a case to be boisterous in a work environment.
novomint easy enough solution to a loud workplace is to stuff your ears with ear buds. Preserves my sanity and works for me :)